Ottawa Ukrainian Children's Choir

відзначає свою 1-шу річницю подією

celebrates its 1st anniversary with an evening of

the Joy of Music

Музика долає кордони віку та етнічної приналежності, завжди надихаючи та приносячи радість. Ми запрошуємо вас стати частиною цього чудового концерту, що об'єднує співаків та музикантів різного віку.

Music transcends boundaries of age and ethnicity, always inspiring and bringing joy. We invite you to be part of this wonderful concert, uniting singers and musicians of all ages.


Featuring special guests:

ВeciBelles Choir for women

Violin and piano Duo from Montreal: Olga Kudriakova and Nadia Monczak


Artistic Director, Conductor: Oleksii Fishchuk



Date: Friday, June 14th

Time: 7:00 PM

Location: Carleton Dominion Chalmers Centre, 355 Cooper Street, Ottawa

Tickets: $35 (Students: $25)


11.09.23  performing the Anthem of Canada at the opening of the RIMS Canada Conference 2023

What a fantastic start to the week! The Ottawa Ukrainian Children's Choir had the incredible honor of performing the Anthem of Canada at the opening of the RIMS Canada Conference 2023, Monday, September 11, at 8 am at the Shaw Convention Centre in Ottawa.

To the RIMS Canada Conference 2023 organizers and attendees, thank you for allowing us to be a part of this momentous occasion. It was an honor to share our voices with you all.

We wish to all organizers and participants a week filled with inspiration, innovation, and collaboration at the RIMS Canada Conference 2023!


Aug. 19, 2023: Capital Ukrainian Festival kicks off with Ottawa Ukrainian Children's Choir 

Aug. 19, 2023: Capital Ukrainian Festival kicks off with Ottawa Ukrainian Children's Choir